- At what criteria can one do tayammum?
- How to do tayammum?
- From which particles or substances should be used for tayammum?
- In case if we are traveling in flight, how to do tayammum in flight?
- In home sometimes water shutdown days, can I do tayammum that day in case no water remains in home?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
For Question 1-3 please read the full chapter on Tayammum at:
If you still have some question about the procedure then please ask again insha’Allah
4. The default in the flight is to do wudhu’. You will try whichever means you can to make the wudhu’.
– This includes using the washrooms available if needed.
– Using bottled water to perform wudhu with minimum water utilized. (In such a case you need to make sure that enough water is poured on a limb such that 2-3 drops drip from the limb. The remaining part of the limb can be then thoroughly wiped with water. This is an extreme case)
– Making sure you are wearing Mash Socks so you do not need to wash feet.
– As long as water is available (which mostly is available) one may not do tayammum.
But in a remote hypothetical scenario there is no water, then you may carry a small clay slab/tile with you in carry-on to make tayammum. (The tile used for tayammum can be baked, but not coated with resin or something)
5. As long water is available in locality, where you can ask and get from neighbor, or take from nearby place, even if by purchasing, you cannot do tayamum. Tayammum is only valid when either there is no reasonable certainty of finding water, or the water that is available (around you) is so less that it can only be used for drinking purposes.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi