Assalaamu ‘alaikum, will earning through displaying ads from this website be permissible?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
We have not thoroughly reviewed Muslim Ad Network. However, the concept of marketing is essentially permissible.
1. Your question could mean whether a organization can utilize this network to market and earn from sales?
Answer: Yes, a muslim organization may utilize any marketing firm to advertise as long as the advert made out for circulation are Islamic and void of any unislamic issues (like inter-mixing, music, etc)
2. Is if permissible to use such network for affiliate earning?
Answer: Aside from the discretion one will need to establish that the major income of the Ad Network be from shar’an acceptable sources as we have explained previously. As an affiliate or investor, Only that income from the advert networking would be permissible that are from advertisements which are shar’an acceptable.
This can become pretty difficult, and should be assessed if it can even be ascertained or not. If it cannot be assessed, then it would be cautious not to invest or take affiliate income from such network’s adverts.
If however, such an assessment has been made, then retain the income that is from halal permissible ads, and give the remaining into Sadaqah without rewards.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi