I am into consuming organic foods and growing organic foods. However in the past few years I have come across Fertilizers and manures obtained from various despicable sources such as BLOOD MEAL , BONE MEAL etc (despicable because the slaughter houses where they are collected from are of najas animals for sure, in our case). I know that Fertilizers are always these decomposing, dead, decaying matter and waste products of living beings such as cow etc, but reading the packages here puts me off !!
So I have a few questions
- Although I try to use fish Fertilizer or chicken manure or horse manure or cow manure . What would be the rulings if such matter comes in contact with skin or clothes etc. Just washing it off or dusting off is good ( if it doesn’t show any signs remaining on clothes)
- I am never sure of what the soil has been pretreated with to begin with ? So what if it contains the above mentioned bone meal or blood meal ? Is it OK to use?
- Is organic food gross then because these are the most widely used soil nutrients?
- Is Soil considered pure as a general rule? Nevertheless whether we know it or not , it contains natural organic matter and waste as part of the natural cycle … so should I be even concerned about what the contents are?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
- The clothes afflicted with such manure will be najis (impure), and you will need to wash them as per rules of Taharah
- Yes you may use such compost / fertilizers
- Plants are all tahir regardless of the condition of their compost soil or fertilizer
- Yes, soil is generally pure. If there is any indication of najasah in the soil, whether through packaging, past knowledge, smell, texture etc. the the rules of najasah will apply to it.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi