In certain situations related to travel or work, sometimes asr salat is at high risk of getting qadaa as the person is unable to stop for prayers (in car, train, bus etc), unable to make wudu, or unable to find appropriate place for salaat. What’s the recommended position in such situations? Can the person pray asr during zuhr time and return the prayer if they’re able to during asr times? Alternative will be the risk of missing salaat altogether.

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah,
One should make all the preparation before hand. Perhaps carrying a small clay brick to make Tayammum where one is not able to find water etc.
1. If one is stuck in the car, train, bus etc. and there is no way of finding suitable time/place to fulfil just the fara’id, then one should perform tayammum, and pray while in that position (knowing well that the fardh of qiyam, sujood etc as well as wudhu is being left out). After having performed salah in such condtion with tayammum etc. when one stops at some place or destination, he must repeat all those salahs as Qadha’. We can then hope that Allah will not take him to task for missing his salah.
2. One cannot pray Asr in Zuhr time as the Salah has not even entered. If a person prays asr in zuhr time, it will become nafil regardless.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi