I have a question regarding the Jumma Prayers.
Can an Imam lead more than one Jamaat for Jumma prayer in the same mosque one after another?
In our city mosque, the same imam lead two or sometimes three Jumma prayers in the same mosque. Each Jumma has it’s own khutba. I am wondering if the same imam can actually lead multiple Jumma prayer then, does he has to pray 2 rakath farz namaz every time with jamaat? Or if he cannot pray faraz the 2nd or 3rd time? And if you can explain in what fiqh it is allowed and not allowed.

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
1. According to Hanafiya Jumua Salah is Wajib. So an Imam who leads the first Jumua congregation, his wujoob has been fulfilled. If he leads another Jumu’a, the second 2 rak’at will be counted as Nafil, and thus not fulfilling the requirements of Hanafi Jumua Salah.
2. Other madhahib may utilize dispensation from their madhab to such second Jumua Salah, but in doing so they will not fulfil any hanafi congregant who is praying behind them.
3. One Imam can lead khutbas of different Jumu’a, although it is not the best thing. But if done, it will not affect the validity of the Jumu’a. BUT the Salah will have to be lead by someone who is still performing as his Jumu’a wujoob.
Since the issue affect the hanafi congregants severely, mashayekh of other madhab should be tolerant of the matter and not impose their own opinion onto hanafi congregants.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi