I have a question about shaving a hair of the baby on 7th day..? Is it sunnah or Fardh? Does the hair needs to be shaved completely due to the fact that the top part of the skull is not fully formed by this time?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
It is mustahab to shave the hair of the baby child on the 7th day. Entire head, regardless of how much hair it may be, should be shaved. Thereafter it’s weight in silver should be given out in charity as a Sunnah practice.
Hereunder are some other Sunnah practices attached to birth of a new child.
After the child is born, the following Sunnah practices should be observed:
Adhan and Iqamah: The Adhan should be recited in the right ear and the Iqamah in the left ear of the newborn. This should be done soon after the baby is bathed, or earlier if necessary. The Prophet ﷺ performed this for his grandson Hasan radhiyallahu Anhu.
Tahneek: Tahneek involves placing a chewed date or something sweet, like honey, on the newborn’s palate. This helps activate the baby’s mouth and jaws, making it easier to suckle. It is preferable for an elder, pious person, or scholar to perform this act.
Naming the Child: Choosing a beautiful and honorable name is essential. The Prophet ﷺ selected names with good meanings, often from the names of Prophets or pious individuals. While it is recommended to name the child on the seventh day, it can also be done earlier.
Aqeeqa: Aqeeqa, the sacrifice of animals, is a form of Sadaqah to protect the child from misfortune. For a boy, two sheep or goats are sacrificed; for a girl, one sheep or goat. If Aqeeqa is not performed on the seventh day, it can be done on the 14th, 21st, 28th, or any multiple of seven thereafter. If two animals are unaffordable, one is sufficient, and if even that is not possible, there is no obligation to compensate later.
Shaving the Head: The baby’s head should be shaved on the seventh day, and the weight of the hair in silver should be given as charity. This practice was observed by the Prophet ﷺ for his grandsons Hasan and Husain radhiyallahuma.
Circumcision: Circumcision of a boy should ideally be done along with Aqeeqa. Performing it early ensures less pain and quicker healing.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi