There is a brother who has a medical condition that leads to a great deal of pain in his nose if he is in sajdah for a prolonged period of time. When praying in congregation, is it permissible for him to rise up from sajdah before the Imam, if the Imam stays in sajdah for so long that it leads to pain for the follower.

- If the person is able to perform the sajdah, then it is binding that he must make the sajdah.
- If the difficulty due to medical condition is so much that sajdah is not possible, then the person should sit on the floor and pray the salah with indication alone.
From your question, it seems that sajdah can be made, but cannot be prolonged. If this is the condition, then try and let the Imam know of your condition so he may shorten his sajdah in consideration for the sick/weak and old behind him, as is the prophetic guidance.
If however that is not possible, then I suggest that instead of hastening to lift your head from sajdah earlier than imam ( which would mean preceding the imam in the next rukn ), you should delay going into the sajdah slightly such that you only stay in sajdah to recite 3x tasbeehat and then get up with Imam.