If one has to travel for work from home around 2 hours drive, more than 100 km, can they skip fasting being traveller? It is not daily basis but once a week. Will it be sinful to skip now and make up after Ramadan?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Travel is a valid excuse for not fasting. One will need to make qadha’ of this missed fast and no Kaffarah will be necessary. This is when one begins the day while in travel.
However, if one is about to set out for the travel (for more than the travel distance) after Subh Sadiq (dawn), then by the end of the Suhoor time he is still a Muqeem (resident), and hence he must fast. If thereafter once he is in travel, his is not able to continue fast due to extreme hunger or genuine hardship, then he will have the dispensation of breaking the fast without kaffarah (expiation).
Assuming that his travel continues to the next day. Then, next day when at the Subh Sadiq time he is already in travel, he may skip the fast and make a qadha’ later on.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi