Assalaamu Alaikum, someone asked while fasting can one undergo IV (intravenous) therapy?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Our Past answer on the matter:
Today I got an IV Drip for glucose. After that I was given juice to drink. I did not drink the juice. Is my fast valid?
Yes, your fast is valid. Injection (both muscular or intravenous) as well as a glucose drip do not invalidate the fast.
However, after regaining consciousness, if you had drunk the juice before iftar time thinking that your fast has broken, then your fast would invalidate with that juice, and not the drip. It is for these reasons that knowing these matters of deen is extremely important.
One must keep in mind that IV therapy should not be done in order to gain the strength, unless it is absolute necessary. Otherwise it will destroy the whole purpose of fasting.
On must make arrangements when the needed therapies are to be done, and should avoid as much as possible. But if done, it will not invalidate the fast.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi